Social Media app
Breakfast Club is a social media application that I helped create with three other developers. Users can post images of what they had for breakfast and see other user's posts on the feed. Users can like and comment on other user's posts.
Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Bootstrap, MongoDB, Cloudinary, Express, Mongoose, Passport, git, github, and Heroku We used MongoDB to store all the user data including likes and comments. The image files are stored on Cloudinary. We utilized EJS as the template language to generate the login, signup, profile, home, feed, and main pages. JavaScript is the main language we use for front-end and back-end. We used Bootstrap for the CSS styling. Express is used for the server creation and Node JS is used for the backend. We used Passport as the authentication middleware to authenticate requests. We utilized Mongoose to create user and post schemas. We used git and github for version control, and the app is hosted on Heroku.
I definitely enjoyed working on this app because it is something that gave me exprience working in a group setting. Creating this app has helped me understand EJS and it's syntax, Understand CRUD when making server requests, Understand MVC and how the flow of a application makes requests and responses. It also gave me experience dealing with version control (submitting pull requests and branch management) while working with other developers.